Our services.

emma anderson lmt swedish massage in bryan college station

Swedish Massage

Designed to negate the harsh effects of stress by helping the body relax and promote circulation. It often enhances sleep, it also helps improve mental health as it reduces anxiety.

emma anderson bodywork massage therapy bryan texas

Body Work

Aimed at assessing or improving posture by eliminating muscle tension, increasing range of motion and realigning the entire body so that it can move without pain.

Emma anderson lmt sports massage bryan texas college station

Sports Massage

A form of massage specifically tailored to take care of aching and stiff muscles. Involving the manipulation of soft tissue to benefit a person engaged in regular physical activity.

emma anderson licensed massage therapist for reiki massage in bryan college station

Reiki Massage

This is a Japanese technique for easing stress, enabling relaxation and inner healing by laying hands on the person. It also helps to reduce the side effects of chemotherapy, bipolar disorders and other mood disturbing conditions.


This is a form of therapy done by placing pre-heated stones strategically on the body to relieve tension in the body.


Aromatherapy is the utilization of natural oil extracts from flowers, bark, stems, leaves, roots and other parts of a plant to improve psychological and physical well-being.


Removal of dead skin cells, eradication of bumps, smoother skin, moisturizing and rejuvenating the skin.